A CSA in Queens, NYC. Founded in 2013.

Current Member FAQ

When do I pick up my share?

Every Thursday, 5pm-7pm (June 16, 2020 – November 19th, 2020)

Where do I pick up my share?

M.Wells (43-15 Crescent Street, Long Island City, NY, 11101 — Tel: (718) 786-9060

How do I pick up my share?

Remember to bring plenty of sturdy re-usable shopping bags with you! Our farmer re-uses the boxes your shares are pack in each week, so you’ll have to leave them behind at M.Wells to be returned to the farm.

What happens if I forget to pick up my share?

It will be donated to a local food pantry or the City Harvest Food Rescue Facility. www.cityharvest.org/food-rescue-facility

Why do I have to sign up for work shifts when I’m already paying for my produce and my membership fee? 

The cost of a CSA share only covers payment to the farm. It does not include the labor to maintain the weekly operations of the group. There are no paid workers within the CSA. The CSA is only functional with the cooperative help of each member. The small membership fee per season helps covers the cost of things like supplies, web-maintenance, and fun stuff like the occasional farm visit.

How do I sign up for my volunteer shifts?

Follow the prompts when you click  here:

What if something comes up and I can’t fulfill the work shifts I signed up for? 

You can always send another household member or a friend to work your shift. Just email hunterspointcsa@gmail.com so we know who to expect that day.

Or, follow the directions on Volunteer Spot to find another member to swap your shift.

If you absolutely cannot work your scheduled shifts and you can’t find someone to swap or cover your commitment, email Tiloma at hunterspointcsa@gmail.com.

What if my schedule makes it hard to sign up for the normal time slots?

If your regular schedule makes it difficult to pitch in on Thursdays, contact Tiloma at hunterspointcsa@gmail.com. There are usually a few jobs that can be done from home or at odd hours.

What if I move out of the neighborhood or can no longer participate in the CSA once the season has started?

Members have successfully handed-off the remainder of their share at a pro-rated price by listing it on our Facebook page. facebook.com/groups/hunterspointcsa/